Our Fees

Our termly school fees include lunches, snacks and lunchtime extra-mural clubs.  Additional charges are made for class trips, music lessons and extra-mural clubs after school.  Late payments also incur additional charges.  Please see our terms and conditions for more information.

School Registration Fee £100
Acceptance Deposit £400


2024 / 2025 Termly Fees

  Termly Fee VAT Total
Reception £3,229 £646 £3,875
Year 1 and Year 2 £3,315 £663 £3,978
Year 3 to Year 6 £3,474   £4,169
Catering                                         £610


Before and After School Care

We offer a range of options to support busy working families with wrap-around care.

Before school and holiday club, 8am to 8.30am Free
Breakfast Club 7.15am to 8.00am £5.50
Term time 3.30pm to 6pm (includes tea at 4pm) £4 per half hour


Extra-Curricular Activities 

Clubs at lunchtime Free
Clubs after school (3.30pm to 4.30pm) £9.60


Music Lessons 

Individual Music Lessons per half hour £28.20
Shared Music Lessons for 2 children per half hour £15.00
Shared Music Lessons for 3 children per half hour £10.20

Additional Tuition

Additional tuition per half hour £15.00 to £28.20


Monthly Instalments 

Administration charge for paying term fees monthly £11.40 per month

Little Crickets Nursery Fees 

Little Crickets Nursery is an all-year-round nursery. We close for 1 week at Christmas and Bank holidays.  Bank Holidays and closure days are not chargeable. Children can attend on a full-time or part-time basis, subject to availability.  Please follow the link to Little Crickets at Springmead School. 

The nursery is open from 8am until 6pm and families can choose from a full day, morning or afternoon session. 

Our rates from 1st April 2025 are as follows: 

Rate per unfunded hour         £7.50
Consumables per funded hour  £1.40

For eligible children, parents are responsible for obtaining a Working Parent Entitlement code, in order for us to administer the 15 hour or 30 hour Early Years Entitlements.  

Lunch is served to all children attending a full day or morning session. 

In the afternoon, families may collect at any time between 3.30pm and 6pm.  However, there will be no change to the full day charge for those collecting earlier than 6pm.  High tea will be served to all children at 4pm. 


All fees are due in advance for the forthcoming month and are based upon the actual booked sessions for your child that fall within the calendar month.