Outdoor Learning
Getting outdoors with Go Explore!
At Springmead we recognise the need to be immersed in a location that stimulates every sense, to feel part of it and to wonder and be amazed by whatever you find.
These rich learning experiences occur every week through our Go Explore! programme for all pupils up to Year 5. Throughout the whole school, the children integrate outside learning with different areas of the curriculum to make learning meaningful and memorable. Den building, river dipping and walks are just some of the exciting outdoor learning activities that the children take part in throughout the year.
Mark and Lucy Hotson, former parents, are our Bushcraft leaders who run our Countrylore programme and work with our Year 6 children throughout the year. They have specialist knowledge within this area and their enthusiasm is inspiring for both children and staff. Mark himself trained with Ray Mears.
To inspire and truly connect children with nature, they have devised a programme which combines Bushcraft and country lore with the National Curriculum. Over the academic year, they work closely with the staff and older children to impart age-old traditions that are rich in exciting learning opportunities.