Scholarship Season

We are delighted to announce that our children have once again been awarded a strong show of scholarships from independent Secondary Schools.
Sally Cox, Headteacher says, "It has been great to work personally with secondary school Headteachers to secure the best possible outcomes for our talented Year 6 class. Springmead School is the only truly independent school in our local area, which means that our children have the opportunity to apply to the next school that is 'right for them' rather than an onward journey on an established pathway from prep to senior school. This means they can apply for a full range of scholarships and bursaries available at a host of different schools as they are external, much-sought-after, candidates. Senior independent schools very much court our children. Warminster Senior School Head, Matt Williams, commented during his visit here, on the well-rounded, academic, confident nature of our graduates. We support children through senior schools' rigorous admissions processes, starting in Year 5 with a presentation for parents on expectations and guidance navigating the scholarship and bursary application process."
Children have been awarded Scholarships at the following senior schools.
Royal High School - Full Academic Scholarship
King Edwards School, Bath - Art Award and Headmaster's Scholarship
Bryanstan Prep - Performing Arts Scholarship
Warminster School - two Headmaster's Scholarships
Beechen Cliff - Sports aptitude place (Scholarship)