Academic Excellence
Pupils are highly motivated learners with a deep thirst for knowledge.
Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) February 2023
A fundamental requirement of a preparatory school is to fully prepare pupils for entrance exams to independent senior schools. At Springmead, academic progress through the years is monitored through teacher assessments and through nationally recognised external GL assessment tests. These assessments cover reading, spelling, writing, reading comprehension and maths.
Children from Year 1 to Year 6 sit age-appropriate formal tests each year; these are correlated to SATS statistics, so we can get a benchmark on our performance against nationally recognised grades. Whilst we do not believe in the practice of ‘teaching to tests’, we do believe that children should have test experience each year. Springmead prepares children for the testing environment by making tests routine and good practice, ensuring children are supported and challenged in order for them to reach the best outcomes.
The school consistently achieves above the national average in all subjects. Assessment information is shared with parents at parent consultation evenings and on school reports.
Entrance Exams
Pupils in Year 6 who are applying to selective, senior independent schools also have weekly preparation sessions with our experienced teaching staff to practice entrance tests and interview techniques.
We are proud that all children whose families have wanted them to gain entry to senior independent schools have been successful.