Enriching the Curriculum
The very heart of the Springmead vision is to ignite in our children a passion for learning and life. This happens every day through exciting lessons delivered by knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff. Importantly, it also happens through the wide range of enrichment activities that they experience during each academic year. We ensure that these opportunities are explicitly taught using our learning objectives and the skills, knowledge and concepts are assessed accordingly. These activities are integral to our curriculum and often include:
- School poetry performance competitions
- Charity gift boxes
- Harvest service, Carol service and combined assemblies with the village school
- Science fair
- Online-safety day
- Subject enrichment days
- Christmas gift shop
- School council
- Annual productions and class performances
- Go Explore! Residential and day trips, including theatre trips and Bushcraft activities
- Instrumental concerts
- Charity events throughout the year
- Award activities
- Extra mural clubs
- Sports day and sports clubs
Our enrichment programme is complementary to their learning and includes our Extra Curricular programme, trips and visits and our outdoor learning programmes, Go Explore! and Countrylore sessions.