Pre-Prep: Reception to Year 2
The Pre-Prep School provides a happy and stimulating introduction to school for children aged 4 to 7 years. The three classes in this department are Reception class, Year One and Year Two.
As the children move into the Pre-Prep School, they benefit from a maximum class size of 18 with their own qualified class teacher, supported by teaching assistants and specialist teachers for some subjects.
Small classes enable the class teacher to provide a one-to-one education tailored to the needs of each child so that individual potential can be nurtured and realised.
As well as enjoying a rich curriculum, delivered through a combination of child-led and adult-led activities, in this department children will have the opportunity to:
- Be taught in small classes with both their class teacher and subject specialists
- Begin weekly swimming lessons
- Be able to attend extra-mural clubs and activities at lunchtime and after school
- Learn to read music and play the ocarina
- Take part in in house poetry recitals and the Mid-Somerset Festival
- Sing and perform in our Pre-Prep choir
- Be involved in music and drama productions
In Reception, children learn through exciting and stimulating themes that incorporate the seven areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Music, P.E and French are introduced as fun activities by specialist teachers.
In Years 1 and 2, children are taught through themes and separate subjects by class teachers and specialist teachers. Whatever the subject, the aim is to make each lesson a rewarding and inspiring experience for the children. Importantly at Springmead School we are teaching our children to become successful learners, so learning to learn skills are embedded into our curriculum.